LARYNGECTOMY.NET aims to explain the Therapeutic Education Program for Laryngectomees and Caregivers Quality of life, called PETAL

Phase II: Replication


The second phase of the PETAL programme, is the interventional prospective replication phase. It aims at assessing the quality of the programme, and its transferability to three other centres.

The centres chosen for this phase already have experience in the field of therapeutic education, and the teams will include members who have participated in the multi-disciplinary group that designed the programme in phase I.


These centres already have the human resources, including professionals from different disciplines trained in therapeutic education. This phase will have the following objectives:

– Evaluate the human means required for the implementation of the PETAL programme: number of different professions required, number of trained persons required, time for preparation, education and coordination with local and external teams.

– Evaluate the material means required: liaison journal, correspondence, pedagogic equipment, supplies and rooms

– Bring to light the potential problems not detected previously, inherent to the transposition of a programme in a centre other than the one where it was designed.


The website previously described will be a major vector in this replication phase. Indeed, it will provide a pleasant and convivial facilitating the commitment of the teams to the project, and will provide templates for the workshops, educational worksheets and multimedia educational supports in a simple and effective manner. It will also allow the local doctors of these new centres to have rapidly the database and information prepared previously.

Phase II: Replication