General presentation
Original idea and coordination: The PETAL is the idea and original creation of Pr Emmanuel Babin, ENT and cervico-facial surgery department, head of surgery unit, CHU de Caen, Avenue de la côte de Nacre, 1400 Caen, France
Coordination of educational programme: Ms Patricia LECOQ, therapeutic education nurse of the Centre François Baclesse
Project funding: The project was made possible by funding from the INCA, within the framework of 2012 N° 12-220.
Owner of domain name: Groupe de Recherche ORL 14, Service ORL, CHU de Caen, Avenue de la côte de Nacre, 1400 Caen, France
Website designer: Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD, GHM Les Portes du Sud, Vénssieux (Lyon), France
Heading: Presentation of PETAL: Pr. Emmanuel BABIN, Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Heading: Patient and caregivers section: Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD, Ms. Patricia LECOQ
Heading: Educator section: Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Heading: Health professionals section: Ms Pauline MEZERETTE, Ms Elise LEFEVRE, Ms Emilie BEAUFILS, Ms Marie Isabelle SALAUN, Mr Clément AVIGNON, Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Petal Logo
Webmaster : Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Hosting : INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA – Quai du Mont-Blanc 33 CH-1201 Genève
CMS : WordPress
Theme : Divi by ElegantThemes
Icons : Icons made by Freepik and Roundicons from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
Animated films and diagrams: created by Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD, using the Open Source animation software Synfig Studio
Legal presentation
By virtue of article 6 of the law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for creating confidence in the digital economy, users of the website www.petal.fr are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in creating and monitoring the website:
Owner : CHU CAEN – SIRET 261 400 931 00018 – Avenue de la côte de Nacre, 14000 CAEN
Created by : Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Editor : Pr. Emmanuel Babin
The editor is a natural person.
Webmaster : Dr. Moumainn ABOUZAYD
Hosting : INFOMANIAK NETWORK SA – Quai du Mont-Blanc 33 CH-1201 Genève
Credits: the legal notices were generated and provided by Subdelirium Mentions légales
Terms and conditions on the use of the website and the services proposed
This site is normally accessible for users at any time. However, CHU de CAEN, may decide to interrupt access for technical maintenance reasons, in which case it will make an effort to inform the users of the dates and times of the intervention.
The website www.petal.fr is regularly updated by Pr. Emmanuel Babin. Similarly, legal notices may be modified at any time: they are still binding on the user, who is invited to consult them as often as possible in order be aware of any changes.
Description of services provided
CHU de CAEN makes every effort to provide on the website www.petal.fr the most accurate information possible. However, it shall not be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and deficiencies in the update, whether of its own doing or of that of partner third parties providing the information.
All the information provided on the website www.petal.fr fr are provided for information purposes only, and are subject to change. Furthermore, the information found on the website www.petal.fr are not comprehensive. They are provided subject to modifications that may have been introduced since it was put online.
The medical and scientific information here shall under no circumstance be considered as a diagnosis or therapeutic indication that only a doctor may establish, after examining your specific case during a consultation.
Contractual limitations on technical data
Intellectual property and counterfeiting
Any full or partial reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adjustment of all or part of the elements of the website, by any means or procedure whatsoever is forbidden, except with the prior written consent of CHU de CAEN.
Any unauthorised use of the website or of any of the elements it contains shall be considered as a counterfeit and subject to legal proceedings in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Limitation of liability
CHU de CAEN shall not be held liable for indirect damages (such as loss of opportunity) consecutive to the use of the website www.petal.fr.
Interactive spaces (possibility to ask questions in the contact space) are available for the users. CHU de CAEN reserves the right to suppress, without prior formal notice, any content included in this space which would violate the legislation applicable in France, in particular the provisions concerning data protection. Where applicable, CHU CAEN also reserves the possibility of holding the user legally and/or penal responsible, especially in case of messages with racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic character, regardless of the medium use (text, photograph, etc.).
Management of personal data
The following information may be collected during the use of the website www.petal.fr : URL of the links through which the user reached the website www.petal.fr, the Internet access provider, the user’s Internet Protocol (IP) address.
In any event, CHU de CAEN only collects personal information concerning the user for the needs of certain services proposed by the website www.petal.fr. The user provides this information knowingly, especially as he/she enters the information. The user of the website www.petal.fr is informed of the obligation or no-obligation to provide this information.
In compliance with the provisions of articles 38 et seq. of the law 78-17 of 06 January 1978 on data processing, files and civil liberties, all users of the website benefit from a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personal data concerning them, by a simple written and signed request, accompanied of a copy of the ID card with signature of the holder, specifying the address where the response shall be sent.
No personal information on the user of the website www.petal.fr is published without the consent of the user, exchanged, transferred, yielded or sold to a third party regardless of the medium. Only the hypothesis of a takeover of CHU de CAEN and of its rights, would enable the transmission of the aforesaid information to the prospective purchaser, who in turn would be liable to the same obligation of storage and modification of data with respect to the user of the website www.petal.fr.
The website has not been declared to the CNIL because it does not collect personal information.
The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
Liens hypertextes et cookies
Browsing through the website www.petal.fr is likely to induce the installation of cookies on the computer of the user. A cookie is a small file, that does not allow identifying the user, but which records information concerning the browsing of a computer on a site. The data thus obtained aim at making future browsing on the site easier, as well as allowing different measurements of visit frequency.
Refusing the installation of a cookie may make it impossible access certain services. The user may nonetheless configure their computer as follows to prevent the installation of cookies:
In Internet Explorer: tool tab (icon in form of a cogwheel top right-hand side)/internet options. Click on Privacy and choose Block cookies. Click OK to confirm.
In Firefox: on top of browser window, click on Firefox button, then go to Options tab. Click on privacy tab.
Configure the Storage settings on: use custom settings for history Uncheck to disable the cookies.
In Safari: Click on top right of browser on the menu icon (represented by a cogwheel). Select Settings. Click on Display advanced parameters. In the “Privacy” section, click on Parameters of content In the “Cookies” section you can block cookies.
In Chrome: Click on top right of browser on the menu icon (represented by three horizontal lines). Select Settings. Click on Display advanced parameters. In the “Privacy” section, click on preferences In the “Privacy” section you can block cookies.
Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction
Principal laws concerned
Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for creating confidence in the digital economy.
Personal information: “Information permitting, regardless of the form, directly or indirectly, the identification of physical persons to whom they apply (article 4 of the law no. 78-17 of 06 January 1978).