Second stage of phase I: Definition of objectives
The agenda of the first meetings was defining the general objectives of the PETAL therapeutic education programme. These objectives were drawn from the analysis and application of the results of the preliminary stage, as well as the experience of the members of the multi-disciplinary group. Keeping in mind that the final objective is the improvement of the quality of life of patients, it seemed important to fix educational objectives specific to the patient, other objectives specific to the principal caregiver of the patient, and finally, others concerning the different professionals involved in the care of the patient.
Medical objectives
- Being capable of managing the tracheostomy:
o Knowing how to perform tracheal suctioning
o Knowing how to react in case of complication during suctioning
o Knowing how to remove, clean and replace the cannula
o Knowing how to take care of the tracheostoma - Being capable of managing an emergency situation:
o Knowing how to identify an emergency situation
o Knowing how to perform the right procedures
o Knowing how to inform and call for help if necessary
o Knowing how to prevent an emergency situation - Being capable of managing feeding through a tube:
o Knowing the importance of having the right dietary intake
o Knowing how to be autonomous with a gastrostomy or a nasogastric tube (NGT) - Understanding the transformations the body has undergone:
o Knowing how to explain briefly the function of the larynx
o Understanding the new anatomical conformation, without a larynx - Being capable of using a communication method other than oral speech
o Knowing that there are other methods of communication other than the voice
o Knowing these methods of communication
o Knowing how to choose the alternative method of communication most appropriate for the situation - Being capable of using the oro- or tracheosophageal voice as well as possible:
o Knowing how to use the voice learnt in re-education
o Knowing how to create favourable conditions for oral communication
o Knowing how to identify the obstacles to a good oral communication
Social objectives
- Being capable of self-assertiveness with other while maintaining the relationship
o Knowing the basic concepts of a quality authentic and open communication
o Knowing how to express something to someone else while remaining true to oneself - Being capable of identifying his/her difficulties and expressing them in an open manner
o Knowing how to express his/her emotions, relative to the disease and life experience
o Knowing how to express his/her feelings in a group
o Knowing how to find an advantage to expressing oneself in an open manner - Being capable of facing a new social life
o Knowing how to envisage his/her new image
o Knowing how to approach others - Being capable of being a player in social processes, with professional support
o Knowing how to describe his/her social, family, professional situation
o Knowing how to define his/her needs
o Knowing how to identify professionals and resources at the hospital and in the area
o Knowing how to consult competent professionals depending on his/her needs
Psychological objectives
- Being capable of expressing his/her emotions, relative to the disease and life experience
o Knowing how to share the image that the person has created for him/herself
o Knowing how to be an actor in the image perceived by others - Being capable of adapting him/herself with respect to the modifications caused by the disease
o Knowing how to identify changes in the emotional, intimate and sexual sphères
- Being capable of positioning him/herself relative to the cared-for person
o The caregiver must know exactly what role he/she would like to play relative to the cared-for person
o Knowing how to express his/her distress and difficulties - Being capable of detecting a risk of exhaustion, and knowing how to deal with it
o Knowing how to recognise the signs that could lead to exhaustion
o Knowing how to defined the risks and consequences of exhaustion on health
o Knowing how to avoid the risks of exhaustion, and reaction when they are present
o Knowing how to identify when things get better
– For the physician: knowledge on the hospitalisation, surgery, postoperative course, potential complications, discharge, specific treatments, different cannulas, and tracheostomy Equipment
– For speech pathologists: knowledge of the new anatomical conformation, know-how concerning the speech re-education, equipment (cannulas, humidifiers, protections), knowledge on the hospitalisation and surgery
– For private practice nurses: brief overview of the surgery and its consequences, knowing the daily care of the tracheostoma any feeding, being able to contact members of the hospital team in case of difficulties
– For nutritionists: knowing the new anatomical conformation, and the risks of specific malnutrition
– For social assistants: knowing the particularities of laryngectomised patients, specific aids and organisms, the rights of patients and caregivers.
First stage: assessment of education needs in: